Thursday, December 20, 2012

Copyblogger on 2013

Copyblogger on 2013

Why Publishers Hate Writers Brought to Light  -

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mystery of Why He Lies and Cheats

Mystery of Why He Lies and Cheats

I Want My Why He Lies and Cheats

If you're like nearly all women, you've no doubt been lied to by a man.  Actually, I can pretty much guarantee it.  Can you prevent the man you adore from lying and cheating?  -

The simple fact is, men lie to women all the time . . .

About trivial things . ..

About big stuff . . .

About things that do not seem to be important at all . . .

Women want to understand why.

Just why can he not simply speak the truth?

My friend Michael Fiore (a nationally acknowledged romance specialist who has assisted thousands of women) states there are in fact 3 reasons why men lie to women (and two of them are in point of fact pretty simple . . . here is the first one that tends to SHOCK a lot of women.)

I cannot predict how long Michael is going to leave this video up, but if you want to understand men, you need to see it right now while you can.:

For additional info on love in the age of SMS, and why do men lie to women they love,why men lie about cheating,why women cheat on men, visit our site:

Charles Lamm

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Copyright Cripples Knowledge


Copyright Law: Standing in the Way of Progress
"Did Germany experience rapid industrial expansion in the 19th century due to an absence of copyright law? A German historian [Eckhard Höffner] argues that the massive proliferation of books, and thus knowledge, laid the foundation for the country's industrial might."


  1. Copyright law, which was established in Great Britain, in 1710, crippled the world of knowledge in the United Kingdom.
  2. Prussia, Germany's biggest state, introduced copyright law in 1837, but Germany's division into small states meant that it was not possible to enforce the law throughout the empire.
  3. Lack of copyright protection in Germany allowed easy proliferation of material, providing the material for the rapidly expanding knowledge base in the German population.
  4. Copyright protects publishers, not writers. Whether copyright survives the Internet or not is of no concern if you shift from writer to Writer-Publisher-Curator. Control and publish your own work in hundreds of different venues.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Observations About Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is the phenomenon that’s spreading all over the internet, and it appears it’s not about to abate anytime soon - unless Matt Cutt has his way.

Writers gain a valuable backlink (an honest one) to their own authority sites.Guest bloggings is a fantastic way to get your message out, create valuable backlinks, and build relationships with fellow writers and bloggers. Guest bloggers help your content grow while giving you a chance to divert attention elsewhere, such as promotion, social media, and monetizing your site. You can establish relationships with many different people online that can lead to other opportunities. To increase value for both the blogger and host, place some comments under the guest post instead of inside the guest article. You give up some control over your own authority site or blog.

Having your name appear in popular blogs or sites helps gain credibility as an expert in your field or niche. When people read and like your guest post, they will likely click on your links and visit your site.8.5. For blog owners, there are risks, but I believe that for well-spun articles, the risk is minimal, and the pros far outweigh the cons.5. If you prepare a unique article for guest blogging, no problem.

6.As with any good thing, Google appears to be waging war on the little guy who hosts a number of guest articles on his or her site.4.2. Publishing guest bloggers is a good way to take some of the pressure off of constantly creating new content.3. A wider audience means more popularity for you and your blog, and increased income.

If you spend a lot of time on guest posts, you may be neglecting your own blog.7. For writers, there is no downside to guest blogging. Unless you are using a great plugin like Qody's Redirector on your home site, you are helping another blogger make money.. Multiple writers can dilute your blog's voice and message.2. If you spin these articles, as most do, it had better be an amazing (80%+) spin.

If you accept poorly spun articles, Google can catch on and move you down in the SERPs. If you can attract articles from experts in your field, this negative turns into a positive.4. The time you spend writing that killer blog post could have been spent writing for money.

3. Popular blogs may ask you to wait as long as two weeks before they get back to you, if they ever d0.Cons:1. In return, the writer receives quality backlinks and increased traffic to one's own site.

Guest blogging is piggybacking on a site that is already well-established to boost your own brand. May bring in new readers while you build relationships between writers and bloggers.Tips for Guest Blogging:Pros:1. Accepting guest bloggers is almost like outsourcing without the expense. Unless you master article/content spinning, guest blogging is time consuming.Guest posting or guest blogging is writing for other blogs, preferably popular and high-ranking ones. New posts come in and help avoid blogger burnout.

Building backlinks is one of the primary reasons for guest blogging. Guest bloggers will give you a higher quality article (their reputations are on the line) than PLR or even most outsourced articles.

5. Unless you are using a great plugin like Qody's Redirector on your home site, you are helping another blogger make money. The time you spend writing that killer blog post could have been spent writing for money.

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Redirector Special Report

Qody's Redirector Special Report Regrettably, several of the supreme finest plugins are premium, not free of charge. John at has developed a series of Wordpress plugins that work jointly to earn money from your authority blogs and entire TLDs - WITHOUT having to post a banner or contextual affiliate link for the world to observe. 1. A power to reckon with, Alejandro demands a lot of respect - and as a result doesn't have much sense of humor. He ensures a total effective acquiescence from every visitor, drawing out every last drop of value out of the traffic. 2. Redirect on the mouse exiting any page. Redirecting visitors when they attempt to leave your blog ensures the total 100% usefulness of each visitor. They needn't like your content? Send them to an affiliate offer on the way out. 3. A visitor is not required to click on anything or to optin. 4. Trigger redirects from posts and pages. The most basic of options, setting precise redirect rules for particular blog posts or site pages is the main way to get started. 5. The pro version of Alejandro allows you trigger a redirect when a visitor is viewing a trusted authority site, such as Wikipedia or the Huffington Post. When that visitor attempts to leave, your own custom redirect is triggered - be it an advertisement popup, instant redirect to an offer page, you name it. 6. You can monetize your authority blog without Google Adsense or affiliate links and banners showing making for a cleaner experience for surfers. 7. Shroud links by immediately sending them to a different url than the one visible. Necessitate their attention by using an alert prompt to temporary lock the browser until they choose "Ok" or "Cancel". Qody's Redirector could be one of the most secure and preeminent bets for building up authority blogs and earning money before your niche/expert reputation is recognized. As a rule, iframes are not indexed by the search spiders and should not be penalized. Turn every post or webpage on your authority blog into a revenue source. Suggestion: Obtain a solo site license to give Qody's Redirector a test drive. Work it like a borrowed mule. Drive traffic from anywhere to this site. Make some money. If you have multiple domains, a Qody Nexus subscription may be more economical. ~ Full 30 day guarantee. Even if you decide not to make use of the additional plugins, you can unsubscribe and nevertheless retain possession of your original redirector plugin. For more info, visit or go straight to for different licenses and prices - Charles Lamm

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Why Do Men Lie? - Does he love you?

Understand Men's Brains - (VIDEO) Why Do Men Lie? - Does he love you? - why men cheat on women -

If you're like most women you have no doubt been lied to by a man . . .

You've been lied to by every man you have ever loved.

Back in the 60s, Bill Cosby had a comedy album about his "Two Daughters".  He talked about what he did as a young man with the women.  Lying to them.  Cheating on them.  And now he had two daughters.  "The hunter has become the hunted."

It's hard to comprehend, but men lie to women all the time.

Small stuff...

Big stuff...

About stuff that does not appear to be important at all . . .

Women need to understand why.

Exactly why can't he simply tell me the truth?

My friend Michael Fiore (a nationally known relationship specialist who has assisted thousands of women) states there are actually 3 reasons why men lie to women (and two of them are truly pretty simple . . . here's the first one that tends to SHOCK quite a few women.)

Michael says that men lie to women because men are SCARED of women.

If a man has ever driven you mad, kept you awake all night worrying or bewildered, or driven you to tears, then The Secret Survey is the step-by-step guide which at last reveals the REAL truth about men…the fact that every man in your life (even men who love you) has lied to you about and tried to keep secret from you.

According to Dr. John Gottman at the University of Washington, women are able to both enter and recover from extreme emotional states a lot faster and easier than guys are able to.

Once you think about it, it makes sense.

We've all seen a woman burst into tears one second only to be completely fine 5 minutes later.

But when it comes to feelings, men are much more "fragile".  Gottman says it's due to evolution.  Men were evolved to be single taskers.  To shove everything out of their mind except for the one thing they're hunting.  And because of that trait, they are slower to get into an emotional state and much slower to get back out of it after they get there.

What does this have to do with LYING?

The truth is, women force men to lie. The greater part of women out there will not even bother to have a dialogue with a man unless he has the perfect job, owns a house in a geographically-desirable neighborhood, and earns a huge salary.

Women have to know which type of lies to watch for, when to allow the lies, and when to call a partner’s lie without killing the romance.

To comprehend men, a good place to begin is Michael Fiore's new video. -

It gives you "X Ray Vision" into the minds of men . . .

Women are certainly not above telling "white lies" if it advances their purposes ("size doesn't matter," "we can still be friends,"), while at the same time demanding absolute honesty from men.

But what is his position?  Know what he thinks about you without him needing to say a word.

Learn why is he unable not to stare at hot women in public, even while he is with you.

Understand why men cheat - and how to negate your man's desire to cheat on you just by saying a few simple words.

The muddy truth about a man's sexual mind, and why your guy WANTS to be objectified and how to give him sexual thrills that will have him addicted to you.


Men and women were asked one simple question each:

Secret Survey Question For Women:

“If you had telepathy and could read any man’s mind, what’s the one thing you would desperately want to know?”

Secret Survey Question Directed at Men:

“What’s the one thing you desperately wish women understood about men, but could never tell her?” .

Women responded with questions like:

- Does he in reality love me?
- What does he think about me?
- What do I do to make him love me?
- Why does he get so quiet?
- Why does he peek at other women?
- Why do guys lie?
- Why doesn’t he talk with me?
- Is he cheating on me at this time?
- Will he love me forever?

Top alpha males - married to stunning actresses, models, and socialites - cheat.  Can anyone say Tiger Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Jesse James.  You really should try to know why and work to avert it, or at the least, uncover it before you're in too deep.

And the men (over 21,000  were surveyed), notorious for shutting down when it comes to sharing feelings and emotions, all of a sudden opened up their hearts and contributed information like:

- What they actually needed from women
- What men really wanted in bed
- Why they stray
- Why men lie to women
- What women do that causes men pain
- How women emotionally destroy men without even comprehending it
- Why it’s so hard to stay faithful

If you’ve ever hoped your one and only came with an instruction manual so you might figure out what was in fact going on in his heart and in his mind, this is it.

Watch this video now:

Charlotte Holt
Guest Blogger

P.S. Take a good look at the free video, and you will see that truth is being exposed.

Tags:  why men cheat and lie,why men cheat on their girlfriends,why do men cheat on their girlfriends

Monday, October 29, 2012

Affiliate Marketing Without Affiliate Links

Affiliate Marketing Without Affiliate Links Can you promote affiliate products on your authority blog without affiliate links? Yes and no. (I apologize for using links in this article, but in a review, it's sometimes necessary.) You can monetize your authority site using affiliate products but without showing any visible links. How? By using premium Wordpress plugins or hidden html redirects. Sounds sneaky, and in a way it is, but any number of major sites use some form of advertising that pops up and blocks your progress. This one does nothing until you make a mouse move to leave the site. Traffic is hard to get. We create the best content. We struggle to make the user experience as valuable as possible. We like and tweet and share. Still, visitors come and go with no financial impact. Until now. If you are using Wordpress for your authority blog - and I hope you are - you can use a premium plugins to monetize your site without ever showing an affiliate link. And the good part is, every visitor to your site will be automatically redirected to a full screen affiliate sales page (or any link you choose) upon exit from your site. Secret: Everyone who visits your site will leave. Some soon. Some later. But they will all leave. I'm talking about Qody's Redirector, also called an owl named Alejandro. Cute, but powerful. Qody's Redirector allows you to send all visitors to the site of your choice as they leave your blog. All visitors. And the links are hidden from view. No one knows what hit them. I even had CPA managers questioning my sites and not knowing what happened. Ever since I purchased Qody's Redirector, it has paid for itself and made a profit. Each and every month. It's a Ron Popeil product. Set it and forget it. The only time you have to make changes is if an affiliate program isn't making you the money you want. Change the link in Alejandro once, and all future visitors are redirected to the new link. There's no need to fix dozens or even hundreds of pages like with traditional affiliate links. That's the traditional, standard version of the Redirector. If you have only one site, I would go with the basic plugin. You can set the redirect site wide or create a different link on each individual page or post. If you are a marketing pro, and have a number of domains, you will want to try Qody's Nexus Membership. With the membership, you have access to the pro versions of each and every plugin Qody offers. This will give you many other options for Alejandro as well as other plugins for creating optin pages, buttons, and working with Pinterest. For writers struggling to create an authority site without junking it up with advertising banners and Adsense blocks, Qody's Redirector is the ideal solution.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Why He Lies and Cheats

Caution:  Why He Lies and Cheats

Because cheating was a better reproductive strategy over monogamy, all men and women who are alive today are offspring of individuals, who for millions of years, had the inclination or the desire to stray on a companion.  Simply put, we have inherited this trait from our ancestors - it is a drawback of our human nature.  This does not suggest that everybody will cheat on a partner or that people are totally aware of their unconscious sexual wishes.

A few critical differences between men and women when it comes to cheating:

1. Men often cheat with less appealing women while women cheat to move up socially.  Women frequently do not understand "how could he have sex with HER".

2. Men are prone to raw, one-night stands instead of emotional affairs.

3. Men are less likely to think about leaving their partners after cheating.  When women cheat, it tends to be emotional, so they are more likely to consider ending their current romance.

4. Guys are more likely than women to repeatedly cheat on a spouse or lover.

If you have ever wished your man came with an instruction guide so you could figure out what was actually going on in his heart and in his mind, this is it.

Take a good look at the free video, and you will see that truth is being exposed. -

Tags:  why do men cheat on women they love,why do men cheat and lie,why do men lie about cheating

Friday, October 19, 2012

Qody's Redirector

What's New With Qody's Redirector

Regrettably, some of the absolute finest plugins are paid, not free. John at has developed a number of Wordpress plugins that work in concert to create income from your authority blogs and entire TLDs - WITHOUT needing to post a banner or text affiliate link for the world to see.

1. As best I can tell, Qody's Redirector (Alejandro) is a hidden iframe redirect that takes EVERY visitor to your site to a page or affiliate link of your choosing upon exit from your blog.

2. Redirect on the mouse leaving any page.  Redirecting visitors when they try to leave your blog ensures the complete 100% usefulness of each visitor. They needn't like your information? Divert them to an affiliate offer on the way out.

3. Straight-to-page automatic redirect. The tried and true redirect action takes the visitor immediately to the destination URL.

4. Setting a redirect for every page, post, or category can be useful - but at times we're lazy. Convenience options such as redirecting only the homepage, search results page, and even redirecting an entire site are available.

5. In the pro version provided via the subscription membership, extra options come into play such as redirect rotation, redirect delay, and a popup option.

6. You can create income from your authority blog without Google Adsense or affiliate links and banners showing making for a cleaner experience for visitors.

7. Hide links by immediately sending them to a different url than the one visible. Require their attention by using an alert prompt to temporary lock the browser until they choose "Ok" or "Cancel".

Qody's Redirector could be one of the most secure and best bets for building up authority blogs and making money before your niche/expert reputation is established. As a rule, iframes are not indexed by the search bots and should not be penalized.

Turn every post or page on your niche blog into a revenue source.


Thoroughly test.  Make money.  Take advantage of the 30 day money back guarantee.

If you have only 1 site, you are done. If you want to put Alejandro and other "owls" on many blogs, you will want to consider a Qody Nexus membership. With a membership ($47/mo), you can install pro versions of all of Qody's plugins on multiple sites. If you work it precisely, the Redirector alone will pay for everything.

30-day money-back guarantee.

Even if you choose not to use the other plugins, you would be able to unsubscribe and nevertheless retain use of your original redirector plugin.

For more info, visit or go straight to for various licenses and prices -

Charles Lamm

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Observations About Qody's Redirector

alejandro - qody's redirector
A force to reckon with, Alejandro commands a lot of respect - and consequently doesn't have much sense of humor. He ensures complete efficient compliance from every visitor, squeezing every last drop of value out of the traffic.
Unfortunately, some of the absolute best plugins are premium, not free. John at has developed a number of Wordpress plugins that work together to monetize your authority blogs and entire TLDs - WITHOUT having to post a banner or contextual affiliate link for the world to see. 1. As best I can tell, Qody's Redirector (Alejandro) is a hidden iframe redirect that takes EVERY visitor to your site to a page or affiliate link of your choice upon exit from your site. 2. In the standard edition, upon certain triggers, visitors are taken to a full screen affiliate sales page or any other page of your choice, not a popup. 3. Visitor is not required to click anything or to optin. 4. Alejandro can redirect visitors to the same page throughout the entire site or to different pages to match the content of your posts. 5. In the pro version available via the monthly membership, additional options come into play such as redirect rotation, redirect delay, and a popup option. 6. You can monetize your authority blog without Google Adsense or affiliate links and banners showing making for a cleaner experience for visitors. 7. Most visitors will not know what hit them. If the product is closely related to the original post, most will think the affiliate page is a part of the domain. 8. For free blog hosts like and article directories like that do not allow affiliate links, you can now link to your domain and have every page redirect to your affiliate links automatically. Now is the time to act before some countermeasures are taken by the search engines. However, this could be one of the safest and best bets for building up authority blogs and earning money before your niche/expert reputation is established. As a rule, iframes are not indexed by the search bots and should not be penalized. Every link to your blog can now earn income. Alejandro has earned me money from day one. I have no other plugin that has earned me so much so fast, and continues to make money month after month. My Recommendation: Purchase a single site license to give Qody's Redirector a test drive. Beat it up. Drive traffic anywhere to this site. Make some money. If you have only 1 site, you are done. If you want to put Alejandro and other "owls" on multiple sites, you will want to consider a Qody Nexus membership. With a membership ($47/mo), you can install pro versions of all of Qody's plugins on multiple sites. If you work it right, the Redirector alone will pay for everything. If you decide the suite of plugins is not for you, you can unsubscribe and you still own your original standard plugin. Caveat: The one downside to Qody plugins is thin documentation. Instructions are better than they once were, so it should be less of a problem today. The big plus is support. John, the developer, is readily available to help with any issues that arise. Plugin updates occur frequently. Charles Lamm
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fortune Stikes

Fortune Stikes for Writers:

Never in the history of mankind has their been individual writers who control not only their own content but all forms of publishing by using the Internet. Publishing is not just a commodity - it's free. While I don't recommend "Bum Marketing" as a business model, it can still be accomplished if one is totally broke and desperate. [caption id="" align="alignright" width="300"]English: The relationship and evolution in Int... English: The relationship and evolution in Internet Search Business (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption] Ever since Gutenberg invented the printing press with moveable metal type (actually the Koreans beat him to it by about a hundred years), power and money has flowed to publishers, not writers. It takes a sizeable investment to print books, set up radio and tv stations, or deliver a newspaper or magazine. Face facts. Until widespread broadband access, no way existed for individuals to start making money in minutes without a boss, factory, office, commute, or some other restriction where some other individual or company decided how much you were worth, how much you get paid, and when. Writers: I'm sorry but up until now, we were cheap labor at best and raw materials at worst. We were coal and iron ore. The publishers owned the steel. A sound base for a writer is an authority blog. All you need is a domain name, a web host, and a free self-hosted Wordpress blog. At least to start. An authority blog is the place where you choose the topic. You choose to create original content or curate and review content created by others. You can copyright your work. You own your site and Internet real estate. You can work as a sole proprietor or set up a corporation or LLC. You can sell the property or will it to your heirs. In short, you can have your own Writer-Publisher-Curator business in minutes with minimal investment. (You can go totally free, but it wastes too much time). You can spend time on what you love to do and outsource the rest cheaper than you can do it yourself. Giant Internet Hoax: Over the past 10 to 15 years, brilliant entrepreneurs have scammed writers and content creators without mercy. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240"]Google 貼牌冰箱(Google Refrigerator) Google 貼牌冰箱(Google Refrigerator) (Photo credit: Aray Chen)[/caption] Google is one of the richest corporations on earth. Google does not create content or products, but it can make or break your authority blog by listing you on the first page of search results (SERPs) or by de-indexing your site and making your business invisible to the world. You can follow the rules to the letter, create an SEO optimized site with original content, and still get "Google slapped" with the next algorithm change. What's the scam? You create the content. Google uses it to build their search business. But you have no control over how your content is exploited. Google doesn't pay you for informing or entertaining their visitors. You have to find ways to run ads or otherwise monetize your blogs that doesn't offend Google. Amazon does not create products. Wikipedia does not create research. YouTube does not create videos. And iTunes does not create music. Community websites and article directories do not create articles. [caption id="" align="alignright" width="94"]Image representing Seth Godin as depicted in C... Image via CrunchBase[/caption] Sqidoo I can tolerate because Seth Godin is a cool guy with a poet's heart. Hubpages and EzineArticles load you up with dozens of rules and restrictions tighter than a gnat's asshole just for the privilege of maybe getting link or two back to your domain (not an affiliate link where you can make money - I will show you how to overcome their BS). It reminds me of hazing in Animal House. You create content for them to use, then bend over and say, "Thank you, sir. Can I have another?"        

Source: via Charles on Pinterest

        All of these aggregators would have us believe they are more important than the writers, musicians, and videographers who upload all of the content. Most of it is crap. But if I have my own blog, at least it's my crap. Genius and talent are not group projects. Groups do not invent anything of worth. Millions of individuals built these companies by contributing media that they no longer control. Turning the tables takes hard work. You don't want to dump Google, but you don't want to depend on them solely for your financial well-being. (This is the main reason why Internet marketing "gurus" build lists, something I have done a poor job developing. I am hoping this is something we can do together to create a safety valve of customers and prospects not dependent on online search. I will even go retro at some point to show the value of old-fashioned direct mail, and how some online marketers are using it to stomp online competition for their books and DVDs.) Continued...Authority Blog Conundrum
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fortune Stikes

Fortune Stikes for Writers:

Never in the history of mankind has their been individual writers who control not only their own content but all forms of publishing by using the Internet. Publishing is not just a commodity - it's free. While I don't recommend "Bum Marketing" as a business model, it can still be accomplished if one is totally broke and desperate. [caption id="" align="alignright" width="300"]English: The relationship and evolution in Int... English: The relationship and evolution in Internet Search Business (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption] Ever since Gutenberg invented the printing press with moveable metal type (actually the Koreans beat him to it by about a hundred years), power and money has flowed to publishers, not writers. It takes a sizeable investment to print books, set up radio and tv stations, or deliver a newspaper or magazine. Face facts. Until widespread broadband access, no way existed for individuals to start making money in minutes without a boss, factory, office, commute, or some other restriction where some other individual or company decided how much you were worth, how much you get paid, and when. Writers: I'm sorry but up until now, we were cheap labor at best and raw materials at worst. We were coal and iron ore. The publishers owned the steel. A sound base for a writer is an authority blog. All you need is a domain name, a web host, and a free self-hosted Wordpress blog. At least to start. An authority blog is the place where you choose the topic. You choose to create original content or curate and review content created by others. You can copyright your work. You own your site and Internet real estate. You can work as a sole proprietor or set up a corporation or LLC. You can sell the property or will it to your heirs. In short, you can have your own Writer-Publisher-Curator business in minutes with minimal investment. (You can go totally free, but it wastes too much time). You can spend time on what you love to do and outsource the rest cheaper than you can do it yourself. Giant Internet Hoax: Over the past 10 to 15 years, brilliant entrepreneurs have scammed writers and content creators without mercy. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240"]Google 貼牌冰箱(Google Refrigerator) Google 貼牌冰箱(Google Refrigerator) (Photo credit: Aray Chen)[/caption] Google is one of the richest corporations on earth. Google does not create content or products, but it can make or break your authority blog by listing you on the first page of search results (SERPs) or by de-indexing your site and making your business invisible to the world. You can follow the rules to the letter, create an SEO optimized site with original content, and still get "Google slapped" with the next algorithm change. What's the scam? You create the content. Google uses it to build their search business. But you have no control over how your content is exploited. Google doesn't pay you for informing or entertaining their visitors. You have to find ways to run ads or otherwise monetize your blogs that doesn't offend Google. Amazon does not create products. Wikipedia does not create research. YouTube does not create videos. And iTunes does not create music. Community websites and article directories do not create articles. [caption id="" align="alignright" width="94"]Image representing Seth Godin as depicted in C... Image via CrunchBase[/caption] Sqidoo I can tolerate because Seth Godin is a cool guy with a poet's heart. Hubpages and EzineArticles load you up with dozens of rules and restrictions tighter than a gnat's asshole just for the privilege of maybe getting link or two back to your domain (not an affiliate link where you can make money - I will show you how to overcome their BS). It reminds me of hazing in Animal House. You create content for them to use, then bend over and say, "Thank you, sir. Can I have another?"        

Source: via Charles on Pinterest

        All of these aggregators would have us believe they are more important than the writers, musicians, and videographers who upload all of the content. Most of it is crap. But if I have my own blog, at least it's my crap. Genius and talent are not group projects. Groups do not invent anything of worth. Millions of individuals built these companies by contributing media that they no longer control. Turning the tables takes hard work. You don't want to dump Google, but you don't want to depend on them solely for your financial well-being. (This is the main reason why Internet marketing "gurus" build lists, something I have done a poor job developing. I am hoping this is something we can do together to create a safety valve of customers and prospects not dependent on online search. I will even go retro at some point to show the value of old-fashioned direct mail, and how some online marketers are using it to stomp online competition for their books and DVDs.) Continued...Authority Blog Conundrum
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Motivation for a Writer-Publisher-Curator Business:

one've been inch tight financial muscae volitantes before. one'a M inch one now. How do one ascent at least ten grand pianissimo inch the next 7 weeks to cover song some obligations one own to my daughter and her higher pedagogy? All of this is from a all but standing embark on. one'll explicate later, but outset one need to mastermind how one want to ascent this money online without a occupation and without killing myself. For every bit long every bit one can remember, one own wanted to be a writer. The hard part is one'a M not much of a storyteller. one own no inconvenience oneself with research, legal writing, technical manuals, white papers, or any typewrite of writing that involves "Joe Friday" just the facts, ma'am, structure. one can habitus websites, gear improving blogs, produce videos, habitus lists, and work SEO like a borrowed mule. So why haven't one? All it takes to be a writer is to write. Being a writer is butt painful wellspring fixed. Getting paid to write is another publish all straight cancelled. one own made money online from affiliate programs cancelled and on for over a dozen age. one own made authority sites, reexamine articles, and conduit pages to go people from my blogs to an affiliate vendor's sales page. Pre-selling is harder than ever with millions of out of work individuals looking for for any way to stay afloat. Now that people are buying less, more people are selling to them. But competition is not main publish for independent writing seeking to make a real, full-time income using the Internet. Three issues stand out: one. dread deuce. focus 3. boredom (writer's ADD, not interference) dread rears its painful face inch unlike forms for unlike individuals. Is my writing inch effect(p) enough to habitus a basis of loyal readers? Can one monetize my blog posts without a bunch of cheap banners and affiliate links? Can one earn money quick enough to keep creditors at bay? What if one invest hundreds of hours into making posts, articles, ebooks, podcasts, and videos and own petty or nothing to show for it monetarily at the death of the day? dread is paralyzing. dread is evil. And dread is all too commons. Once you conquer dread, or at least ignore it for a day or deuce, you own to hatful with boredom and focus. The Internet is the greatest time saver and time destroyer ever fictional. If you are not focused on writing and/or promoting your content, you can watch a hundred ways to divert your attention online. now. Español: Logo Vectorial de YouTube (Photo credit: Wikipedia) News. YouTube. ESPN. Pinterest. netmail. even gambling and dating sites. Focus demands you follow money making activities - making content and driving traffic to that content. Boredom is a bit unlike in time related. Nothing is worse than trying to make money online by selling or pre-selling an affiliate product. every bit a writer, one want to habitus an authority blog or website that one command completely. My articles will seem inch original classify exclusively on this site. If my recession is a profitable one, one can sell out to a major corporation inch a year or deuce (or four or five) for six or heptad figures. Fortunately, over the past couple of months, a number of plugins own made a way for writers, publishers, and curators to produce a ego-hosted Wordpress authority blog inch their chosen recession and monetize it using affiliate marketing without ever making a visible affiliate couplet (which Google despises). recession Affiliate Marketing System (NAMS) Workshop 3 (Photo credit: rogercarr) This system combines a number of free and premium resources but is designed for an individual to accomplish alone and then outsource every bit requisite. One needs to take action mechanics every bit presently every bit possible on these thoughts and tools. You e'er want to pay back inch early and make your money before a Google algorithm change destroys the opportunity. Continued...Fortune Stikes

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

SR xmlrpc test 1

Never again will you look at a particularly successful person and sigh, “How lucky he is.” Because you will know that “luck” or “fate” has absolutely nothing to do with success or failure. What we call “luck” is, in fact, a direct result of the correct or incorrect application of natural laws anyone can use effectively if he knows how. ~ Joe Karbo

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Conduit to Authority

I'm going to sound the alarm for individual WPCs (Writer-Publisher-Curator). It's time to:
  • work hard
  • work fast
  • work now
Set up your online business and get started on your authority website before the 2012 Presidential Election. If you can. But I get ahead of myself.
*if you are reading this at some future point, you will see whether or not my predictions are accurate
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"]HUP 100 million B - reverse 1946 HUP 100 million B - reverse 1946 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption] We have not yet seen the bottom of this worldwide "Greater Depression". The U.S. is heading into one of two directions:
  1. hyperinflation
  2. default
When it comes to central banks and fiat currencies, history always repeats itself. Estimates of the unfunded liabilities of the USG run from 75 to 222 Trillion Dollars. Numbers like that are meaningless.
"The U.S. fiscal gap, calculated (by us) using the Congressional Budget Office’s realistic long-term budget forecast -- the Alternative Fiscal Scenario -- is now $222 trillion. Last year, it was $211 trillion. The $11 trillion difference -- this year’s true federal deficit -- is 10 times larger than the official deficit and roughly as large as the entire stock of official debt in public hands." ~
All I need to know is:
  1. Am I going to get my promised benefits? (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and so on)
  2. How much?
  3. What will those benefits buy?
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="238"]Weimar Republic One Hundred Million Mark Banknote Weimar Republic One Hundred Million Mark Banknote (Photo credit: ricketyus)[/caption] If Social Security pays you $1,000 a month, but a happy meal now costs $500, that meal is not going to seem too happy anymore. Technically, the government that controls the money supply can always print money to cover it's obligations. But as you know, more money chasing fewer goods will bring higher prices. People who save cash or digital units in bank accounts will be wiped out. Completely. What does this have to do with Internet marketing and Anytime Anywhere Income? Everything. The path to either hyperinflation or default is littered with failed corporations, businesses, farms, homes, and lives. Don't expect your brick and mortar business to survive, or you cushy job to go on forever (if you still have one). [caption id="" align="alignright" width="300"]Logarithmic chart of German Hyperinflation. Logarithmic chart of German Hyperinflation. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption] German hyperinflation after WWI (Weimar) created the conditions for the rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.
"The hyperinflation episode in the Weimar Republic in the early 1920s was not the first hyperinflation, nor was it the first one in Europe, or even the most extreme inflation in history (the Hungarian pengő and Zimbabwean dollar have both been more inflated). However, as the most prominent case following the emergence of economics as a scholarly discipline, the Weimar hyperinflation drew interest in a way that previous instances had not. Many of the dramatic and unusual economic behaviors now associated with hyperinflation were first documented systematically in Germany: order-of-magnitude increases in prices and interest rates, redenomination of the currency, consumer flight from cash to hard assets, and the rapid expansion of industries that produced those assets." ~
Americans are multi-cultural and not nearly as disciplined as Germans. If the US dollar collapses, Americans will get angry. Americans own guns. Lots of guns. Instead of a socialist or fascist takeover (Nazis were socialists who hated communists), the U.S. will break apart and go anarchist. I don't think the states will regain their colonial power and pre-eminence. Society will go back to a village, tribe, gang, clan, or family level. If the Internet survives, it will be in the form of a shadow world government infrastructure that allows people to trade. Making predictions is perilous at best. The timing is even more difficult to predict. That's why I beg you to:
  1. buy a domain name for your authority site
  2. start building your website/blog
  3. find good affiliate products related to your niche
  4. build conduit pages to affiliate products to create instant income
  5. post unique, useful content to your authority site
  6. after 6 ~ 12 months, monetize the authority site
  7. live lean
  8. convert every spare nickel to gold and silver (or ammo)
You may want to buy a rural retreat/fortress now if you plan to stay in the U.S. But I am a PT at heart. I plan to move to the best country for me at any moment in time. Enough politics. What is your true occupation, no matter what your job title is? Writer-Publisher-Curator As you build conduits and authority for your online business, you are a professional WPC. Why WPC?
  • you can start immediately no matter your background or experience
  • your success does not depend on any other person or company on the planet
  • start part-time or full-time
  • not a job, but a business (won't interfere with your current employment or unemployment)
  • proceeds are in addition to any money you make now
  • best way to leverage your expertise
  • establish yourself as an expert in your field
  • make contacts and contracts
  • if you become the authority in your field, you can sell, will, or transfer your site to others (the Huffington Post website sold for $315 million)
I truly believe we have only 12 ~ 18 months to simplify our lives, build an online authority site business, and create an escape plan from the coming unrest. Tags: default,hyperinflation,authority site,conduit pages,affiliate marketing,anytime anywhere income
The Conduit Method is the only form of affiliate marketing where the affiliate is actually leveraging the efforts of the merchant(s) that they promote - as well as that merchant's other affiliates, their ad spend, and their overall promotional effort.
Chris Rempel's system for creating conduit pages uses a lean HTML template instead of Wordpress. It's focused on getting the clickthru to your affiliate product.
Click Here to Learn More
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why He Lies and Cheats

Why He Lies and Cheats

Warning:  Why He Lies and Cheats

Since cheating was a better reproductive strategy over being faithful, all men and women who are breathing in the present day are offspring of individuals, who for hundreds of thousands of years, had the inclination or the desire to cheat on a lover.  Plainly put, we have inherited this characteristic from our ancestors - it is a drawback of our human nature.  This does not suggest that everybody will cheat on a partner or that people are fully conscious of their unconscious sexual wishes.

Some important differences between men and women when it comes to cheating:

1. Guys are more likely than women to cheat with a woman who is less appealing than their present partner.  Women cheat up while men are more like hunters when it comes to cheating.

2. Men seek physical, one-night stands instead of emotional affairs.

3. Men are less likely to think about leaving their partners after cheating.  As soon as women cheat, it tends to be more emotionally involved, so they often consider ending their current relationship.

4. Men are more likely to repeatedly cheat, or to cheat with several other women.

Discover the True Reasons ALL Men Lie To Women They Worship And Learn How To Discern How He Truly Feels About You Without Him Saying A Word...

I don't know how long this video is going to be up, so you need to go watch it now:

Tags:  reason why men cheat,why men lie to their wives,why do most men cheat

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Give Me Miss Travel

Reflections On Miss Travel:

I stumbled upon a new  website which incorporates guys with cash for first class travel and hot babes who want to take a trip with them. Sugardaddy with a boarding pass. No escorts allowed.

The concept is straightforward:

A travel website is providing free travel around the globe - on the stipulation you are magnificent.

Why Miss Travel will be a sensation:

1. All the respectable feminist and mindless mainstream media interviewers are hostile to it. Critics call it a front for prostitution or an escort service.  However no money is exchanged. And there's no sex discussed on the website at all.

2. Opponents claim the site is no more than a facade for prostitution - a charge the site's creator hotly denies.

3. On Miss, there are 1000's of regular travellers who hate to take a trip alone. These generous travellers are doctors, lawyers, bankers, athletes, executives, and millionaires who are desperate to travel with an eye-catching woman.

If both parties say yes, and there is no compulsion, why do so  many individuals loathe this  website? The only additional website I know that generates this kind of heat from the mainstream media is Ashley Madison, a  website that encourages extramarital affairs.

Men should be gentlemen and shell out for expenses for women.

While it's not called for that guys are the "generous" parties and  ladies are the "attractive", the majority  will certainly fall into these categories. About 6 % of the members are gay.

Warning: "attractive" is in the eye of the beholder.

Are you gorgeous but do not have the funds to travel? What if you can travel about the world, stay in five star resorts, dine at top-rated restaurants and do the entertaining things travellers do, all for free?

The concept of the service is to combine people that share a love of travel  however are without either the money or a friend to travel with. Both "attractive" and "generous" sign up for complimentary. As with most dating sites online, the "generous" foot the bill if they want to contact the "attractive".

The site is  definitely  committed to not  permitting escorts or women of the night to damage the system. Even so,  individuals who  refuse are crucial to the point of slander. Calling a young woman an escort or prostitute without expertise of her intent is a typical method of people who wish to control the lives of others.

In my experience,  particularly when I was a young diplomat in Seoul and Manila, females would never refuse a tour. Some were experts. Some were not. Not one expected to be paid for an  stimulating getaway.

The originator of the Miss Travel dating/travel site runs other websites for sugardaddies. This one is different. It's suggested for short-term tour and not for shared monetary plans.

 There must be a hundred ways a individual discloses herself on the road. I'm prejudiced, I suspect. A stint in the Peace Corps made me pliable in  regards to comfort and a  ton more tolerant of different societies. People who want Budweiser in Munich or hamburgers in Hong Kong drive me crazy.

Last Idea:

With shows like The Bachelor and Real Housewives still on the air, I imagine a reality show in the making.

For now, you can sign up for Miss Travel free at or visit our iPT Perpetual Traveler - PT to Expat site -

Can We Trust Miss Travel

Can We Trust Miss Travel

Unlock Miss Travel

A novel dating site promises to bring together wealthy travelers with appealing ladies who wish to travel the globe for free.

The concept is simple: is the sole on-line dating internet site for travelers and more specifically, we match generous travelers who hate to take a trip alone with "attractive" travelers who would like the opportunity to travel totally free."

Final Thought:

With programs such as The Bachelor or Real Housewives even now on the air, I can see a reality show in the making.

For now, you can sign up for Miss Travel free at or visit our iPT Perpetual Traveler - PT to Expat site -

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Unique Article Wizard Special Report

Unique Article Wizard has been around for a couple of years. Just what I see today is not just what UAW has actually been in the past. Few programs have expanded and developed as well to take advantage of changes to Google's algorithm.

Backlinks had actually been king. Overnight, sites tanked deep inside Google even though these websites had been posting and releasing one-of-a-kind material and getting heaps of one-way links. Significant players vanished from the SERPs.

Signals like ReTweets, Likes, and Shares are all beginning to have a positive result on position.  Search engines are nowadays able to collect sufficient social information and profiles in conjunction with one-of-a-kind content to rate websites as a whole instead of individual pages.

Submit a different unique article to hundreds of sites

On page SEO, which is influenced by the writer or publisher, has been devalued. You can easily still incorporate your metatags, but it will be not nearly enough to rank.

Writing content is something which holds a number of people back from making income on the web. Information makes the internet go round, although it can be awfully dispiriting if you do not enjoy writing or can't set aside the time to write.

What is the best, most reputable, and cheapest way to get traffic to your website? Nothing is more challenging for the average Internet marketer.

Paid strategies are superb for driving traffic to your web site for the moment. However they provide you no long term benefit. As soon as you halt funding for the advertising, the ad comes down, and your traffic ceases. In contrast, organic marketing and advertising works by spreading content all across the web. This information contains backlinks pointing to your web site. Backlinks do 2  things - send traffic straight to your blog and lift your rankings in the search engines. It takes a while for the content and its backlinks to build up. But as soon as it is there, it sticks.

No matter how much money we have used up on promotion in the past, there are never any forthcoming freebies. When you  cease paying out, the ads end.

If you want to put up an authority website or a real online business, you need UAW.  Organic and natural has stick and duplication properties. A lot of times you will have articles or reviews or videos which were sent out a year earlier which at this time deliver more backlinks than they did in the beginning.

Just how do you do it?

You might get advertising. Of course, Google does not mind just how much you spend on Adwords.

Buying high PR backlinks is not just costly, but dangerous in the wake of Penguin.  Low quality backlinks are being ignored or resulting in your whole web site being de-indexed.

You'll be generating new content.   Everyone knows that Google loves fresh content. When you post UAW articles on your blog you will be getting up to the minute information on a consistent basis. From my experience, most UAW content is more or less instantly indexed in Google.

All kinds of brand-new metrics are in place - in addition to unique, appropriate content.

Engagement matters. Just how long an individual stays on your website, exactly how fresh your material is, exactly what social reach you have, how many fans your web page has, and just what links are being retweeted all matter more than ever before.

Links still matter. They are no longer sufficient by themselves.

{Getting natural traffic calls for more skills than ever before, consisting of:

1. Generating Unique Content

2. Establishing Yourself as a Specialist in your Particular niche

3. Establishing Experience and Impact with Social Networks

4. Structure Author Authority

5. Structure Relevant Relationships

6. Targeting Multiple Traffic Channels (not simply Google)

Please be clear. This is not the "most recent and greatest" gimmick. It will not be "worn out" in the next month or two. This is a currently well-established technique that is being quietly utilized by all the smartest marketers - however that has actually now been brought to a whole new level of simplicity and power.|Gaining organic traffic requires more abilities than ever, consisting of:

1. Generating Unique Content

2. Targeting Multiple Traffic Channels (not simply Google)

Please be clear.}

UAW can take the burden off your shoulders and:

1. Establish you as an advisor in your niche.

2. Push your social networks profiles and material all over the internet.

3. Develop lots of targeted links on themed content pages which shows the search engines that your site is THE last word in this specific specific niche.

UAW can now include embedded images, audio, and video.


Absolutely nothing is best. I do believe that after Penguin that UAW has not just made it through but flourished.

Like anything, though, track your positions. You never want to get caught short.

For WPCs (Writer-Publisher-Curator) who wish to spend their time producing material, Unique Article Wizard is your solution of choice for bunches of cost-free, targeted, organic traffic from the search engines.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Discover The Tao of Badass

What is the Tao of Badass everything about? It's a set of videos created to transform you into a naturally powerful, positive, and desired guy.

A few random observations:

1. Bypass a woman's barriers and realistic brain and talk straight to her emotional brain.

2. Experiencing her straight will totally and quickly turn her off.

3. Exactly what ladies do not wish (even though you have actually been informed otherwise):  cash, huge muscles, full head of hair, great appearance

4. You can make use of pre-selection to switch on any woman you choose.

5. Women's journals are full of utter bullshit.  Many men start thinking they need to be sensitive rich douches like the guy who model in ladies's mags.

6. If you are older (50s) and want younger women in the UNITED STATE, you need the Tao of Badass. Women our age online who are attractive are cougars and do not prefer you.  You can score without investing money or getting turned down.

7. Each trigger has easy step-by-step instructions so you get it right each and every time.  Considering a lady's mouth at the right time will make her uncontrollably daydream about sleeping with you.

There are dozens of tight videos revealing you the regulations of the game. If they do not work with you, you have 60 days to grab a reimbursement.

To check out more regarding The Tao of Badass, see my Observations About The Tao of Badass - or go straight to Joshua’s video:

Tags:  tao badass review,tao badass pdf,buy the tao of badass

Observations About Walking Marriages

Observations About Walking Marriages

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Stunning Truth About The Tao of Badass

The Stunning Truth About The Tao of Badass

Exactly what is the Tao of Badass everything about? It's a set of video clips created to improve you into a naturally powerful, confident, and wanted man.

A number of random observations:

1. Create propinquity - nearness, physical and psychological distance.

2. Many men turn women off by experiencing them directly - an indication of weak point that ruins sexual attraction.

3. Ladies are like fish, they look for the male with the brightest colors - healthy.

4. Exactly how do women recognize that other women are brought in to you just by looking? They do not.

5. Women's journals are full of utter bullshit.  Many men begin thinking they need to be sensitive rich douches like the guy who model in females's mags.

6.If you feel too old, fat, ugly, bald, or weak to date hot women without having to chase them or buy them anything, then you need the Tao of Badass.

7. The primary skill is to learn to read the material and context of her body language.

It's really risk free of charge. And you know what you will certainly be stuck with if you don't take a chance on the Tao of Badass.

To read more about The Tao of Badass, check my Observations About The Tao of Badass - or go directly to Joshua’s video:

Tags:  tao of badass ebook,the tao of badass ebook,the tao of badass ebook download

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

PT Prep - Health, Wealth, and Relationships

Icon from Nuvola icon theme for KDE 3.x.
Icon from Nuvola icon theme for KDE 3.x. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
PT Prep - Health, Wealth, and Relationships

As soon as you are ready to adopt the PT lifestyle, you need to make sure you have done everything possible to maximize your health, wealth, and relationships, before you go forward.  Information is the coin of the realm in the Internet Era. Going Perpetual Traveler has never been easier, but that does not denote that it’s easy. You want to look after your physical health, develop an Anytime Anywhere Income to pay your way, and choose a course to locate the woman of your dreams.

For more info on PT lifestyle, visit our main site:  iPT Perpetual Traveler - PT to Expat

Tags:  perpetual traveler,permanent tourist,physical health,anytime anywhere income,international dating
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