Monday, October 29, 2012

Affiliate Marketing Without Affiliate Links

Affiliate Marketing Without Affiliate Links Can you promote affiliate products on your authority blog without affiliate links? Yes and no. (I apologize for using links in this article, but in a review, it's sometimes necessary.) You can monetize your authority site using affiliate products but without showing any visible links. How? By using premium Wordpress plugins or hidden html redirects. Sounds sneaky, and in a way it is, but any number of major sites use some form of advertising that pops up and blocks your progress. This one does nothing until you make a mouse move to leave the site. Traffic is hard to get. We create the best content. We struggle to make the user experience as valuable as possible. We like and tweet and share. Still, visitors come and go with no financial impact. Until now. If you are using Wordpress for your authority blog - and I hope you are - you can use a premium plugins to monetize your site without ever showing an affiliate link. And the good part is, every visitor to your site will be automatically redirected to a full screen affiliate sales page (or any link you choose) upon exit from your site. Secret: Everyone who visits your site will leave. Some soon. Some later. But they will all leave. I'm talking about Qody's Redirector, also called an owl named Alejandro. Cute, but powerful. Qody's Redirector allows you to send all visitors to the site of your choice as they leave your blog. All visitors. And the links are hidden from view. No one knows what hit them. I even had CPA managers questioning my sites and not knowing what happened. Ever since I purchased Qody's Redirector, it has paid for itself and made a profit. Each and every month. It's a Ron Popeil product. Set it and forget it. The only time you have to make changes is if an affiliate program isn't making you the money you want. Change the link in Alejandro once, and all future visitors are redirected to the new link. There's no need to fix dozens or even hundreds of pages like with traditional affiliate links. That's the traditional, standard version of the Redirector. If you have only one site, I would go with the basic plugin. You can set the redirect site wide or create a different link on each individual page or post. If you are a marketing pro, and have a number of domains, you will want to try Qody's Nexus Membership. With the membership, you have access to the pro versions of each and every plugin Qody offers. This will give you many other options for Alejandro as well as other plugins for creating optin pages, buttons, and working with Pinterest. For writers struggling to create an authority site without junking it up with advertising banners and Adsense blocks, Qody's Redirector is the ideal solution.

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