Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Perpetual Traveler Examined

English: Traveler card Polski: logo karta Traveler
English: Traveler card Polski: logo karta Traveler (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Perpetual Traveler Examined:

Perpetual traveler means leading a stress-free, wholesome, and prosperous lifestyle without government interference, taxes, or compulsion. You will be considered a vacationer by the government, and therefore be able to partake in harmless activities or pleasures without interference.

A perpetual traveler sheds the significance of native land - often to escape having to pay taxes, or for a more profound sense of solitude or non-affiliation. The world resident sees the entire planet as home, and one’s citizenship as only a ritual.  PTs reduce their authority confining it to their close location.  A perpetual traveler is at all times based in the present  - the past is beside the point, and the future is unscripted.

PT has also been defined as:

- Perpetual Traveler
- Permanent Tourist
- Prior Taxpayer
- Passing Through
- Previous Taxpayer
- Privacy Trained
- Paper Tripper
- Possibility Thinker
- Privacy Tactician
- Post Tyranny
- Priority Thinker
- Prepared Thoroughly
- Prepared Totally
- Preemptive Thinker
- Practically Transparent
- Perception Transformed
- Paranoid Together
- Party Thrower
- Parked Temporarily

If you maintain any of the definitions, please check out iPerpetualTraveler to read more.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

7 Steps to the Perpetual Traveler Life

7 Steps to the Perpetual Traveler Life

Is it time to be a prior taxpayer?

BENGHAZI, LIBYA - APRIL 15:  Ali Salem el-Faiz...
BENGHAZI, LIBYA - APRIL 15: Ali Salem el-Faizani, 10, stands at a street corner while working as a traffic cop April 15, 2011 in Benghazi, Libya. Schools have been closed throughout eastern Libya for nearly two months due to the ongoing civil conflict; some children like Ali are working to pass the time, in his case finding a job via a Boy Scout-like youth troop that's affiliated with the Benghazi traffic police.''I like directing the cars around,' Ali says. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

Almost all governments believe they own their citizens. Like cattle their citizens are herded, penned, milked, and butchered. Vacationers on the other hand are like art shows on loan and typically are handled tenderly and well -- tourists spend cash. Seek to identify yourself so that other people will logically support your decisions.  It requires more than a Boy Scout "Be Prepared" strategy to get ready for the "paranoid together" independent lifestyle. Permanent tourists tend to believe individuals rather than institutions.

Examine more...  http://www.iperpetualtraveler.com/7-steps-to-the-perpetual-traveler-life/

Tags:  Perpetual Traveler, Permanent Tourist, possibility thinker

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Go Permanent Tourist

Boy Scout in uniform, 1969
Boy Scout in uniform, 1969 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Zero Freedom, Seclusion, Choice? Go Permanent Tourist

As a rule people encounter the goal of perpetual travel by means of libertarianism, or the theory of exerting your “right” to be a independent individual.  Others have excelled financially and are simply tired of being robbed by the tax man, even after death.  It takes more than a Boy Scout "Be Prepared" mentality to prep for the "preemptive thinker" independent lifestyle. Permanent tourists tend to depend on people rather than institutions.

Examine more...  http://iperpetualtraveler.com/index.php/7-steps

Tags:  Perpetual Traveler, Perpetual Tourist, paper tripper

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Korean Dog Soup, Bosintang ???

Korean Dog Soup, Bosintang ???

Still around.  http://iPerpetualTraveler.com