Writers gain a valuable backlink (an honest one) to their own authority sites.Guest bloggings is a fantastic way to get your message out, create valuable backlinks, and build relationships with fellow writers and bloggers. Guest bloggers help your content grow while giving you a chance to divert attention elsewhere, such as promotion, social media, and monetizing your site. You can establish relationships with many different people online that can lead to other opportunities. To increase value for both the blogger and host, place some comments under the guest post instead of inside the guest article. You give up some control over your own authority site or blog.
Having your name appear in popular blogs or sites helps gain credibility as an expert in your field or niche. When people read and like your guest post, they will likely click on your links and visit your site.8.5. For blog owners, there are risks, but I believe that for well-spun articles, the risk is minimal, and the pros far outweigh the cons.5. If you prepare a unique article for guest blogging, no problem.
6.As with any good thing, Google appears to be waging war on the little guy who hosts a number of guest articles on his or her site.4.2. Publishing guest bloggers is a good way to take some of the pressure off of constantly creating new content.3. A wider audience means more popularity for you and your blog, and increased income.
If you spend a lot of time on guest posts, you may be neglecting your own blog.7. For writers, there is no downside to guest blogging. Unless you are using a great plugin like Qody's Redirector on your home site, you are helping another blogger make money.. Multiple writers can dilute your blog's voice and message.2. If you spin these articles, as most do, it had better be an amazing (80%+) spin.
If you accept poorly spun articles, Google can catch on and move you down in the SERPs. If you can attract articles from experts in your field, this negative turns into a positive.4. The time you spend writing that killer blog post could have been spent writing for money.
3. Popular blogs may ask you to wait as long as two weeks before they get back to you, if they ever d0.Cons:1. In return, the writer receives quality backlinks and increased traffic to one's own site.
Guest blogging is piggybacking on a site that is already well-established to boost your own brand. May bring in new readers while you build relationships between writers and bloggers.Tips for Guest Blogging:Pros:1. Accepting guest bloggers is almost like outsourcing without the expense. Unless you master article/content spinning, guest blogging is time consuming.Guest posting or guest blogging is writing for other blogs, preferably popular and high-ranking ones. New posts come in and help avoid blogger burnout.
Building backlinks is one of the primary reasons for guest blogging. Guest bloggers will give you a higher quality article (their reputations are on the line) than PLR or even most outsourced articles.
5. Unless you are using a great plugin like Qody's Redirector on your home site, you are helping another blogger make money. The time you spend writing that killer blog post could have been spent writing for money.
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