Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Zen of Why Men Cheat

The Zen of Why Men Cheat

Comprehensive Do-it- yourself Guide to Why Men Cheat

10 Reasons (yet certainly not every one) Why Men Betray The Women They Love

Men and women stray for different reasons: men step out on their spouses because they want approval, and women cheat because they need attention.

I will hazard a few guesses (not all from personal knowledge):

1. Men become unhappy in a relationship. This most common excuse for adultry usually sounds something like she has gained weight, nags all the time, and does not desire to have sex any more. What's a guy to do? But in reality, no matter how reasonable cheating might seem at the moment, having sex or extramarital liasons when unsatisfied with your spouse is an poor way to deal with marriage problems.

2. She cheated on you, but you love her too much to end it. If she cheated on you, she has perhaps already checked out. Turning the tables isn’t going to trouble her much. You’re merely validating feelings she already had, and all you are likely to observe is her readend one more time on the way out the door.

3. Many men have had a sexy woman actually come on to them. Just how we handle it is dependent on several factors, relationship status doubtless chief among them. Single? Great, hit it. Not single? You know what the answer should be, but do you have the willpower? The type of spouse or boyfriend who gives into this kind of temptation is often less knowledgeable with ladies in spite of his being spoken for.  Self-discipline is way overestimated.

4. Other motives for infidelity include a desire for thrills or excitement, feeling bored to death by the sex they receive from their significant other, or feeling reluctant to share their intimate wishes and fantasies with their wife.

5. He is not who he seems to be. This man never intended to be monogamous, despite taking a vow or making a commitment. He lacks compassion for his spouse, and he sees being faithful as something to work around rather than respect. His need to get what he wants when he wants it exceeds the benefit he places on respect, romance, and partnership.

6. Every so often in a long-term relationship, individuals let themselves go. Maybe she’s gained a ton of weight, developed a drinking problem, or simply does not care any longer. The issue with familiarity is that you don’t discern these things as they occur over time. Instead, you wake one day and understand the woman sharing your house is a far cry from the young woman you first noticed and lusted after. Yet again, for many guys, it comes down to choosing between fixing a tricky problem or simply chasing tail elsewhere.

7. Men also cheat in part out of discontent with their relationship with their spouse. Or, more precisely, a man's troubles with his relationship with his wife can hasten his resolve to cheat. In some ways, this option is lazy, and in others, entirely easy to understand. When a man is enraged, entrenched, and implacable, a distant spouse offers no relief.

8. Every man has a vital human need to feel needed, and not simply by his significant other, but by females in general. That is why you clean yourself up when you’re merely going out with the guys. Even harmless flirting with an eye-catching member of the opposite sex may put a little additional jump in your stump.  That is okay, because it’s probably your spouse or lover who will reap the benefits when you get home. For an unconfident man, that will not be adequate. He needs to score in order to feel like a true man.

9. Men feel it's their natural, evolutionary, and God-given right to have intercourse with as many young women as possible. These men will often claim that the sexual and romantic fidelity forced on them by their spouses or significant others is but an out-of-date legacy of rigid ethical and religious code that seems abnormal to them.

10. He may be a sex or love addict. This man employs sexual fantasy and urges as a way to soothe challenging life stressors he sees difficult to tolerate. He makes use of sex and romantic passion to draw attention away from emotional barrenness and to help prevent uncomfortable feelings.

Throughout history, men have had numerous wives and lovers with the complete knowledge of their tribes.

One issue with unfaithful men is that we are not especially good at getting away with it.  Women are better spys than we are at hiding cheating.

If you ask a man if he's cheating, and he's awfully defensive and attempts to make you feel like you are insane, that is a key warning flag. The cheating guy does more than lie.  He may then attempt to turn it around and make the woman feel like she's over the line. A man who has not strayed is generally more taken aback and stunned. If he denies it, start checking his phone. ~ http://txtromance.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/whymenlieandcheat.pdf

Even before she commits, she needs to recognize how to seize his heart and make him love her forever.  You want to ask. However, most men will lie repeatedly.  No more than 7 percent will inform you without being asked. Even worse, about 86 percent of men will lie even after being challenged with facts. ~  http://txtromance.com/capture-his-heart-and-make-him-love-you-forever-a-mans-view/

Tags: why do black men lie,why do men cheat in relationships,why men lie and women cry book

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