Thursday, November 29, 2012

Copyright Cripples Knowledge


Copyright Law: Standing in the Way of Progress
"Did Germany experience rapid industrial expansion in the 19th century due to an absence of copyright law? A German historian [Eckhard Höffner] argues that the massive proliferation of books, and thus knowledge, laid the foundation for the country's industrial might."


  1. Copyright law, which was established in Great Britain, in 1710, crippled the world of knowledge in the United Kingdom.
  2. Prussia, Germany's biggest state, introduced copyright law in 1837, but Germany's division into small states meant that it was not possible to enforce the law throughout the empire.
  3. Lack of copyright protection in Germany allowed easy proliferation of material, providing the material for the rapidly expanding knowledge base in the German population.
  4. Copyright protects publishers, not writers. Whether copyright survives the Internet or not is of no concern if you shift from writer to Writer-Publisher-Curator. Control and publish your own work in hundreds of different venues.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Observations About Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is the phenomenon that’s spreading all over the internet, and it appears it’s not about to abate anytime soon - unless Matt Cutt has his way.

Writers gain a valuable backlink (an honest one) to their own authority sites.Guest bloggings is a fantastic way to get your message out, create valuable backlinks, and build relationships with fellow writers and bloggers. Guest bloggers help your content grow while giving you a chance to divert attention elsewhere, such as promotion, social media, and monetizing your site. You can establish relationships with many different people online that can lead to other opportunities. To increase value for both the blogger and host, place some comments under the guest post instead of inside the guest article. You give up some control over your own authority site or blog.

Having your name appear in popular blogs or sites helps gain credibility as an expert in your field or niche. When people read and like your guest post, they will likely click on your links and visit your site.8.5. For blog owners, there are risks, but I believe that for well-spun articles, the risk is minimal, and the pros far outweigh the cons.5. If you prepare a unique article for guest blogging, no problem.

6.As with any good thing, Google appears to be waging war on the little guy who hosts a number of guest articles on his or her site.4.2. Publishing guest bloggers is a good way to take some of the pressure off of constantly creating new content.3. A wider audience means more popularity for you and your blog, and increased income.

If you spend a lot of time on guest posts, you may be neglecting your own blog.7. For writers, there is no downside to guest blogging. Unless you are using a great plugin like Qody's Redirector on your home site, you are helping another blogger make money.. Multiple writers can dilute your blog's voice and message.2. If you spin these articles, as most do, it had better be an amazing (80%+) spin.

If you accept poorly spun articles, Google can catch on and move you down in the SERPs. If you can attract articles from experts in your field, this negative turns into a positive.4. The time you spend writing that killer blog post could have been spent writing for money.

3. Popular blogs may ask you to wait as long as two weeks before they get back to you, if they ever d0.Cons:1. In return, the writer receives quality backlinks and increased traffic to one's own site.

Guest blogging is piggybacking on a site that is already well-established to boost your own brand. May bring in new readers while you build relationships between writers and bloggers.Tips for Guest Blogging:Pros:1. Accepting guest bloggers is almost like outsourcing without the expense. Unless you master article/content spinning, guest blogging is time consuming.Guest posting or guest blogging is writing for other blogs, preferably popular and high-ranking ones. New posts come in and help avoid blogger burnout.

Building backlinks is one of the primary reasons for guest blogging. Guest bloggers will give you a higher quality article (their reputations are on the line) than PLR or even most outsourced articles.

5. Unless you are using a great plugin like Qody's Redirector on your home site, you are helping another blogger make money. The time you spend writing that killer blog post could have been spent writing for money.

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Redirector Special Report

Qody's Redirector Special Report Regrettably, several of the supreme finest plugins are premium, not free of charge. John at has developed a series of Wordpress plugins that work jointly to earn money from your authority blogs and entire TLDs - WITHOUT having to post a banner or contextual affiliate link for the world to observe. 1. A power to reckon with, Alejandro demands a lot of respect - and as a result doesn't have much sense of humor. He ensures a total effective acquiescence from every visitor, drawing out every last drop of value out of the traffic. 2. Redirect on the mouse exiting any page. Redirecting visitors when they attempt to leave your blog ensures the total 100% usefulness of each visitor. They needn't like your content? Send them to an affiliate offer on the way out. 3. A visitor is not required to click on anything or to optin. 4. Trigger redirects from posts and pages. The most basic of options, setting precise redirect rules for particular blog posts or site pages is the main way to get started. 5. The pro version of Alejandro allows you trigger a redirect when a visitor is viewing a trusted authority site, such as Wikipedia or the Huffington Post. When that visitor attempts to leave, your own custom redirect is triggered - be it an advertisement popup, instant redirect to an offer page, you name it. 6. You can monetize your authority blog without Google Adsense or affiliate links and banners showing making for a cleaner experience for surfers. 7. Shroud links by immediately sending them to a different url than the one visible. Necessitate their attention by using an alert prompt to temporary lock the browser until they choose "Ok" or "Cancel". Qody's Redirector could be one of the most secure and preeminent bets for building up authority blogs and earning money before your niche/expert reputation is recognized. As a rule, iframes are not indexed by the search spiders and should not be penalized. Turn every post or webpage on your authority blog into a revenue source. Suggestion: Obtain a solo site license to give Qody's Redirector a test drive. Work it like a borrowed mule. Drive traffic from anywhere to this site. Make some money. If you have multiple domains, a Qody Nexus subscription may be more economical. ~ Full 30 day guarantee. Even if you decide not to make use of the additional plugins, you can unsubscribe and nevertheless retain possession of your original redirector plugin. For more info, visit or go straight to for different licenses and prices - Charles Lamm

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Why Do Men Lie? - Does he love you?

Understand Men's Brains - (VIDEO) Why Do Men Lie? - Does he love you? - why men cheat on women -

If you're like most women you have no doubt been lied to by a man . . .

You've been lied to by every man you have ever loved.

Back in the 60s, Bill Cosby had a comedy album about his "Two Daughters".  He talked about what he did as a young man with the women.  Lying to them.  Cheating on them.  And now he had two daughters.  "The hunter has become the hunted."

It's hard to comprehend, but men lie to women all the time.

Small stuff...

Big stuff...

About stuff that does not appear to be important at all . . .

Women need to understand why.

Exactly why can't he simply tell me the truth?

My friend Michael Fiore (a nationally known relationship specialist who has assisted thousands of women) states there are actually 3 reasons why men lie to women (and two of them are truly pretty simple . . . here's the first one that tends to SHOCK quite a few women.)

Michael says that men lie to women because men are SCARED of women.

If a man has ever driven you mad, kept you awake all night worrying or bewildered, or driven you to tears, then The Secret Survey is the step-by-step guide which at last reveals the REAL truth about men…the fact that every man in your life (even men who love you) has lied to you about and tried to keep secret from you.

According to Dr. John Gottman at the University of Washington, women are able to both enter and recover from extreme emotional states a lot faster and easier than guys are able to.

Once you think about it, it makes sense.

We've all seen a woman burst into tears one second only to be completely fine 5 minutes later.

But when it comes to feelings, men are much more "fragile".  Gottman says it's due to evolution.  Men were evolved to be single taskers.  To shove everything out of their mind except for the one thing they're hunting.  And because of that trait, they are slower to get into an emotional state and much slower to get back out of it after they get there.

What does this have to do with LYING?

The truth is, women force men to lie. The greater part of women out there will not even bother to have a dialogue with a man unless he has the perfect job, owns a house in a geographically-desirable neighborhood, and earns a huge salary.

Women have to know which type of lies to watch for, when to allow the lies, and when to call a partner’s lie without killing the romance.

To comprehend men, a good place to begin is Michael Fiore's new video. -

It gives you "X Ray Vision" into the minds of men . . .

Women are certainly not above telling "white lies" if it advances their purposes ("size doesn't matter," "we can still be friends,"), while at the same time demanding absolute honesty from men.

But what is his position?  Know what he thinks about you without him needing to say a word.

Learn why is he unable not to stare at hot women in public, even while he is with you.

Understand why men cheat - and how to negate your man's desire to cheat on you just by saying a few simple words.

The muddy truth about a man's sexual mind, and why your guy WANTS to be objectified and how to give him sexual thrills that will have him addicted to you.


Men and women were asked one simple question each:

Secret Survey Question For Women:

“If you had telepathy and could read any man’s mind, what’s the one thing you would desperately want to know?”

Secret Survey Question Directed at Men:

“What’s the one thing you desperately wish women understood about men, but could never tell her?” .

Women responded with questions like:

- Does he in reality love me?
- What does he think about me?
- What do I do to make him love me?
- Why does he get so quiet?
- Why does he peek at other women?
- Why do guys lie?
- Why doesn’t he talk with me?
- Is he cheating on me at this time?
- Will he love me forever?

Top alpha males - married to stunning actresses, models, and socialites - cheat.  Can anyone say Tiger Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Jesse James.  You really should try to know why and work to avert it, or at the least, uncover it before you're in too deep.

And the men (over 21,000  were surveyed), notorious for shutting down when it comes to sharing feelings and emotions, all of a sudden opened up their hearts and contributed information like:

- What they actually needed from women
- What men really wanted in bed
- Why they stray
- Why men lie to women
- What women do that causes men pain
- How women emotionally destroy men without even comprehending it
- Why it’s so hard to stay faithful

If you’ve ever hoped your one and only came with an instruction manual so you might figure out what was in fact going on in his heart and in his mind, this is it.

Watch this video now:

Charlotte Holt
Guest Blogger

P.S. Take a good look at the free video, and you will see that truth is being exposed.

Tags:  why men cheat and lie,why men cheat on their girlfriends,why do men cheat on their girlfriends