English: Traveler card Polski: logo karta Traveler (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Perpetual Traveler Examined:
Perpetual traveler means leading a stress-free, wholesome, and prosperous lifestyle without government interference, taxes, or compulsion. You will be considered a vacationer by the government, and therefore be able to partake in harmless activities or pleasures without interference.
A perpetual traveler sheds the significance of native land - often to escape having to pay taxes, or for a more profound sense of solitude or non-affiliation. The world resident sees the entire planet as home, and one’s citizenship as only a ritual. PTs reduce their authority confining it to their close location. A perpetual traveler is at all times based in the present - the past is beside the point, and the future is unscripted.
PT has also been defined as:
- Perpetual Traveler
- Permanent Tourist
- Prior Taxpayer
- Passing Through
- Previous Taxpayer
- Privacy Trained
- Paper Tripper
- Possibility Thinker
- Privacy Tactician
- Post Tyranny
- Priority Thinker
- Prepared Thoroughly
- Prepared Totally
- Preemptive Thinker
- Practically Transparent
- Perception Transformed
- Paranoid Together
- Party Thrower
- Parked Temporarily
If you maintain any of the definitions, please check out iPerpetualTraveler to read more.